Sid e Bu r n e r Ow n e r ’S Ma n u a l -1
MO d e l dPSBSS-1
(na t u r a l O r Pr O P a n e )
fO r u S e w it h Br O il M a S t e r Pr e M iu M Ga S Gr i l l S
re t a in Ow n e r ’S Ma n u a l f O r fu t u r e re f e r e n c e .
Page 1
Co n g r a t u l a t io n s !
You have chosen the finest side burner for your outdoor cooking pleasure. Please take
time to read this entire manual before assembling your premium Broilmaster® gas side
Parts Diagram ..............................................................................................................................4
Parts List.......................................................................................................................................5
Side Burner Assembly ..............................................................................................................6-7
Propane Gas Connection........................................................................................................8-10
Natural Gas Connection........................................................................................................ 11-12
Operation and Maintenance.......................................................................................................13
Gas Leaks ................................................................................................................................. 13
Operation .................................................................................................................................. 13
Your Broilmaster® Side Burner is identified by model number, serial number, and gas type.
This information is provided on a product identification label located on the Side Burner. The
grill’s model number, serial number, and gas type must also be provided when contacting
your Broilmaster® dealer. For your convenience, complete this section for future reference
when contacting your dealer.
Grill Information
Model No.
Serial No.
Dealer Phone No.
Date of Purchase
Gas Type: Propane
Side Burner Information
Model No.
Serial No.
Dealer Phone No.
Date of Purchase
Gas Type: Propane
Page 3
Pa r t S dia G r a M
Sid e Bu r n e r ex P l O d e d vie w
Page 4
Pa r t S liS t
All repair part orders should be placed through your local Broilmaster® dealer. To locate a dealer in your
area, contact Broilmaster Customer Service at 800-851-3153 • w w w To ensure prompt and
accurate service, please provide the following information when placing a repair part order: Model number
of your Side Burner, Part Name, Part Number, and Quantity of parts needed.
Key No. Part Name
Qty. Part Number
Side Burner Lid
Screw No. 10 X 3/8 Phillips
Control Panel Label
Burner Cap
Orifice (LP) .91mm
Orifice (NAT) 1.73mm
Screw M4 X 0.7 X 16mm Self Tapping
Burner Head
Burner Orifice Holder Assembly (Includes #7)
Valve Knob
Screw No. 10-24 X 3/8 Phillips
Electric Ignitor
Ignitor WIre
Manifold Tubing
Tee Fitting
Side Burner S/S Flex Line 10"
Side Burner S/S Flex Line 34"
Wing Nut No. 10-24
Flat Washer 9/32
Ignitor Ground Lug
Tie-Down Bracket
Handle Shelf Bracket
Screw 1/4-20 X 3/4 Phillips Truss Screw
Side Burner Body Assembly (Includes 5, 26a & 26b)
Side Burner Body
Mounting Plate
Cooking Grid
Page 5
Igniter Assembly
All Broilmaster® side burners require some assembly and
installation. Certain instructions may not apply to your model
of side burner. This side burner requires the same gas type
(natural or liquid propane) as your Broilmaster® gas grill.
Your side burner is factory equipped for LP gas. Natural
gas conversion instructions are located in the Natural Gas
section of this manual.
Attach one end of the igniter wire (15) to the open terminal
on the back of the electronic igniter.
Install AA Alkaline battery
fiG u r e 2
Igniter Wire (15)
Please locate and follow in listed order only the instructions
for assembly and installation of the correct gas type. Skip
any sections that do not pertain to the side burner model you
have purchased.
Igniter (13)
Every assembly and installation instruction includes detailed
illustrations to aid in assembly.
Compare the materials found in the shipping container to the
parts list provided. Every effort has been made to ensure the
correct parts have been provided. In the event of an error,
please contact your local Broilmaster® dealer regarding the
replacement of missing parts.
AA Alkaline
The following items are needed for the assembly of your
side burner:
Positioning Side Burner
Slide side burner right side up onto right grill pull handle.
Attach with one 1/4-20 x 3/4 screw (25). Fig u r e 3.
Phillips screwdriver
Two adjustable wrenches
Soapy water solution (to test for leaks)
fiG u r e 3
Grill Pull Handle
Attach the pull handle to the right side of the grill as illus-
trated in Figure 1. Place two bolts into holes in pull handle
and through holes on right sides of grill bottom. Fasten each
bolt with a washer, lock washer and nut.
fiG u r e 1
Page 6
Mounting Side Burner
Lid Handle
Insert the notched end of the tie-down bracket (23) into
the slot on the mounting plate (26b). Push the other
end of the tie-down bracket onto the screw. Fasten with
an igniter ground lug (22), a washer (21) and wing nut
(20). Fig u r e 4.
Attach the lid handle (1) to the side burner lid (2) using
two phillips head self-tapping screws (4). Fig u r e 6.
Handle (1)
fiG u r e 6
fiG u r e 4
Lid (2)
Bracket (23)
Plate (26b)
Cooking Grid
Position the cooking grid (27) over the burner as shown
by Fig u r e 7.
fiG u r e 7
Attach the igniter ground wire (15) onto the igniter
ground lug (22) terminal. Fig u r e 5.
Cooking Grid (27)
fiG u r e 5
Ground Wire (15)
Page 7
Side Burner Location
Your grill and side burner have been designed for
Gas Type
Your Broilmaster® side burner is factory equipped for LP
gas. Natural gas conversion instructions are located
in the Natural Gas section of this manual. Never use
liquid propane gas with a grill designed for natural gas,
or natural gas with a grill designed for liquid propane
gas. The type gas required for your grill can be deter-
mined from its product identification label. Questions
regarding different types of gases should be directed
to your gas supplier.
outdoor use ONLY.
This side burner mounts on the right side of a Broilmas-
ter® gas grill and cannot be used with another grill or
for any other purpose.
You should never install or operate your grill and side
burner in any building, garage, or other enclosed
For your safety, the grill and side burner should
not be installed or operated under any combustible
materials, such as carports, covered porches, aw-
nings, or overhangs.
Cylinder Requirements
Your Broilmaster® Premium Gas Grill requires a stan-
dard twenty (20) pound propane gas cylinder.
Never install or use your grill and side burner in
or on any recreational vehicle or boat.
The propane gas cylinder used must be:
1. constructed and marked in accordance with the speci-
fications for LP gas cylinder of the U.S. Department
of Transportation (D.O.T.) or the National Standard
of Canada, CAN/CSA-B339, Cylinders, Spheres, and
Tubes for Transportation of Dangerous Goods; and
Commission as applicable.
cautiOn: th e i n S t a l l a t i O n a n d O P e r a t iO n O f t h iS
G r il l a n d S id e B u r n e r a t c l e a r a n c e S l e S S t h a n S P e c i-
f ie d B e l O w M a y c a u S e a f ir e , P r O P e r t y d a M a G e , O r
P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
2. provided with a listed overfilling protection device
a minimum clearance of sixteen (16") inches is required
from all sides of the side burner to any combustible
material. Refer to the grill’s Owner’s Manual for specific
grill clearances.
3. provided with a listed safety device having direct access
with the vapor space of the cylinder and the cylinder
supply system must be arranged for vapor removal.
4. provided with a shutoff valve terminating in a valve outlet
as specified in the Standard for Compressed Gas Cyl-
inder Outlet and Inlet Connections, ANSICGA-V-1.
5. provided with a plug to effectively seal off the cylinder
outlet when the cylinder is being stored or transport-
Examples of combustible materials are patio furniture,
fences, or the wall of your home.
The area surrounding the grill and side burner should be
clear to ensure proper ventilation. Do not obstruct the
flow of combustion and ventilation air in any way. The
ventilation openings on the propane cylinder enclosure
must also remain free and clear of debris.
6. provided with a collar to protect the cylinder valve.
ca u t iO n : dO n O t u S e a P r O P a n e G a S c y l in d e r w h ic h
h a S a c a P a c it y G r e a t e r t h a n t w e n t y (20) P O u n d S w it h
t h iS G r il l a n d S id e B u r n e r .
Portable grills with side burners should be level and
positioned away from direct wind prior to each use.
warninG: dO n O t in S t a l l O r O P e r a t e t h iS G r il l
a n d S id e B u r n e r w h e r e G a S O l in e O r O t h e r f l a M M a B l e
M a t e r ia l S a r e u S e d O r S t O r e d . fa il u r e t O c O M P l y
w it h t h iS w a r n in G c O u l d r e S u l t in e x P l O S iO n O r f ir e
c a u S in G P r O P e r t y d a M a G e O r P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
Page 8
Propane Cylinder Safety
Connection Requirements
Liquid propane gas has a long history of safe use
when the safety precautions provided in this manual
are followed.
ca u t iO n : ne v e r u S e liquid P r O P a n e G a S in a G r il l
d e S iG n e d f O r n a t u r a l G a S , O r n a t u r a l G a S in a G r il l
d e S iG n e d f O r liquid P r O P a n e G a S . qu e S t iO n S r e G a r d -
in G d if f e r e n t t y P e S O f G a S e S S h O u l d B e d ir e c t e d t O
y O u r l O c a l G a S c O M P a n y .
fa il u r e t O f O l l O w t h e S e S a f e t y P r e c a u t iO n S c O u l d
r e S u l t in a f ir e O r e x P l O S iO n c a u S in G P r O P e r t y d a M -
a G e O r P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
Installation must conform to local codes or, in the ab-
sence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code,
ANSI Z223.1. In Canada, installation shall be in ac-
cordance with CAN/CGA-B149.2 Propane Installation
Code, or CAN/CGA-B149.1 Natural Gas Installation
Code, and local codes where applicable. Consult your
local gas company or Propane gas dealer for code
regulations and recommended procedures.
Propane gas cylinders should always be handled,
stored, and transported with extreme caution in a se-
cured upright position.
Never attempt to use or repair a propane gas cylinder
that has been damaged. Never attempt to use or repair
a cylinder with a faulty or damaged valve outlet. A
cylinder that has been dropped, dented, or otherwise
damaged must be replaced.
wa r n in G : Br O il M a S t e r Ga S Gr i l l S a n d Sid e Bu r n -
e r S r e q u ir e liquid P r O P a n e c y l in d e r S e q u iP P e d w it h
a n Ov e r f il l Pr O t e c t iO n de v ic e (OPd). an O v e r -
f i l l e d O r iM P r O P e r l y f i l l e d P r O P a n e c y l in d e r c a n B e
d a n G e r O u S .
A propane gas cylinder should never be transported in
the passenger area of a vehicle.
Keep cylinders out of direct sunlight and never apply
any other source of direct heat to them.
Always use the pressure regulator and hose assembly
supplied with your propane gas grill.
When refilling your cylinder, always insist on a repu-
table, qualified gas dealer. Your propane gas cylinder
is filled by weight, and should never exceed eighty
(80%) percent of its weight limit. If the cylinder is not
completely empty, the gas dealer must make necessary
adjustments to ensure it is not overfilled. Never use an
overfilled Propane gas cylinder.
Note: Not all valve and cylinder combinations are
compatible. Check warning tag on valve and cylinder
as well as external fitting threads.
All Broilmaster® pressure regulators and hose assem-
blies require propane cylinders with a Type 1 connection
device as illustrated by Figure 8.
Cylinder Storage
Your grill must be stored outdoors in a well ventilated
area if the cylinder is attached to it.
fiG u r e 8
Disconnected cylinders must have a threaded valve
plug tightly installed and must not be stored in any
building, garage, or other area.
Flammable materials (gasoline, grill covers, etc.) must
not be stored in the cylinder enclosure.
Always store propane cylinders in a secured upright
position, out of the reach of children.
Page 9
Pressure Regulator and Hose Connecting to Propane Gas
The pressure regulator has an outlet pressure of not
more than eleven (11") inches water column. It must
be connected to the propane gas cylinder’s female
valve outlet before the grill and side burner can be
Attach one end of the 34" S/S flex line (19) to the end
of the side burner valve (14). Attach the remaining
end of the hose to the "tee" (17) and use two wrenches
to tighten the S/S flex line connections. One wrench
should be used to turn the S/S flex line connector while
the "tee" or valve is held with the second wrench. Fig-
u r e 11.
ca u t iO n : OP e r a t iO n O f a P r O P a n e G a S G r il l a n d S id e
B u r n e r w it h O u t t h e P r e S S u r e r e G u l a t O r a n d h O S e
a S S e M B l y w il l c a u S e G a S l e a k S w h ic h c O u l d l e a d t O
f ir e O r e x P l O S iO n , r e S u l t in G in P r O P e r t y d a M a G e O r
P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
34" S/S flex line (19)
"Tee" (17)
The pressure regulator’s fitting must remain clean and
free of nicks and scratches. Adirty, nicked or scratched
fitting can cause a gas leak, resulting in an explosion or
fire. Use only genuine Broilmaster® replacement parts
unless otherwise specified by the manufacturer.
fiG u r e 11
Installing "Tee" Connector
If your grill is equipped with a factory installed gas "tee"
behind the grill’s control panel, please skip to the next
For old Broilmaster grill, this alternate tee fitting kit must
be ordered.
Turn OFF the gas valve at the propane cylinder.
Disconnect the regulator and hose assembly from the
cylinder. Disconnect hose from the gas valve located
under the grill’s control panel. Fig u r e 9.
fiG u r e 9
Grill Gas Valve
Hose Assembly
Attach the regulator and hose assembly to the brass
tee" (17). Reconnect the assembly to the cylinder. Use
two adjustable wrenches to hold and tighten the joint
between the hose and "tee". Fig u r e 12.
Attach one end of the 10" S/S flex line (18) to the end
of the grill’s gas valve. Attach the other end of the S/S
flex line to the brass "tee" (17). Fig u r e 10.
fiG u r e 12
No t e : Gr i l l s m a N u f a c t u r e d p r io r t o 1999 m a y r e q u ir e
t h e a l t e r N a t e "t e e " c o N N e c t o r .
fiG u r e 10
10" S/S flex line (18)
Grill Gas Valve
"Tee" (17)
Page 10
Side Burner Location
Your grill and side burner have been designed for
Gas Type
Your Broilmaster® side burner is factory equipped for
LP gas and must be converted for use with Natural gas
grills. Never use liquid propane gas with a grill designed
for natural gas, or natural gas with a grill designed for
liquid propane gas. The type gas required for your grill
can be determined from its product identification label.
Questions regarding different types of gases should be
directed to your gas company.
outdoor use ONLY.
This side burner mounts on the right side of a Broilmas-
ter® gas grill and cannot be used with another grill or
for any other purpose.
You should never install or operate your grill and side
burner in any building, garage, or other enclosed
ca u t iO n : ne v e r u S e liquid P r O P a n e G a S in a G r il l
d e S iG n e d f O r n a t u r a l G a S , O r n a t u r a l G a S in a G r il l
d e S iG n e d f O r liquid P r O P a n e G a S . qu e S t iO n S r e G a r d -
in G d if f e r e n t t y P e S O f G a S e S S h O u l d B e d ir e c t e d t O
y O u r l O c a l G a S c O M P a n y .
For your safety, the grill and side burner should not be
installed or operated under any combustible materi-
als, such as carports, covered porches, awnings, or
Never install or use your grill and side burner in or on
any recreational vehicle or boat.
cautiOn: th e i n S t a l l a t i O n a n d O P e r a t iO n O f t h iS
G r il l a n d S id e B u r n e r a t c l e a r a n c e S l e S S t h a n S P e c i-
f ie d B e l O w M a y c a u S e a f ir e , P r O P e r t y d a M a G e , O r
P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
a minimum clearance of sixteen (16") inches is required
from all sides of the side burner to any combustible
material. Refer to the grill’s Owner’s Manual for specific
grill clearances.
Examples of combustible materials are patio furniture,
fences, or the wall of your home.
1. Remove burner cap.
The area surrounding the grill and side burner should be
clear to ensure proper ventilation. Do not obstruct the
flow of combustion and ventilation air in any way. The
ventilation openings on the propane cylinder enclosure
must also remain free and clear of debris.
2. Remove 2 phillips screws from burner head. Im-
portant: Do not discard this screw; it will be rein-
3. Use a 7 mm nut driver or socket wrench to remove
the LP orifice and replace it with the Natural gas
orifice supplied.
Portable grills with side burners should be level and
positioned away from direct wind prior to each use.
4. Replace the 2 phillips screw into burner head.
5. Turn set screw in center of valve stem 1/2 turn
warninG: dO n O t in S t a l l O r O P e r a t e t h iS G r il l
a n d S id e B u r n e r w h e r e G a S O l in e O r O t h e r f l a M M a B l e
M a t e r ia l S a r e u S e d O r S t O r e d . fa il u r e t O c O M P l y
w it h t h iS w a r n in G c O u l d r e S u l t in e x P l O S iO n O r f ir e
c a u S in G P r O P e r t y d a M a G e O r P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
6. Apply soapy solution to test for leaks around the set
screw. If a leak is found, turn screw clockwise until
bubbles cease.
im p o r t a N t : pl a c e c o N v e r s io N l a b e l iN s id e l i d a d j a c e N t
t o s e r ia l N u m b e r l a b e l .
Page 11
Connection Requirements
Attach one end of the 10" S/S flex line (18) to the end
Installation must conform to local codes or, in the ab-
sence of local codes, with the National Fuel Gas Code,
ANSI Z223.1. In Canada, installation shall be in ac-
cordance with CAN/CGA-B149.2 Propane Installation
Code, or CAN/CGA-B149.1 Natural Gas Installation
Code, and local codes where applicable. Contact your
local gas company for code regulations, recommended
procedures, and the installation of your grill’s gas sup-
ply line.
of the grill’s gas valve.
Attach the other end of the S/S flex line to the brass
“tee” (17). Fig u r e 14.
fiG u r e 14
“Tee” (17)
7" S/S flex line (18)
Broilmaster® gas grills and side burners are not equipped
with pressure regulators. Your gas grill operates at a
manifold pressure of seven (7") inches water column.
Connect cart mounted natural gas grills to a pre-in-
stalled gas supply line using the twelve (12') foot flexible
hose and quick disconnect kit supplied or specified by
the manufacturer.
Grill Gas Valve
Attach one end of the 34" S/S flex line (19) to the end
of the side burner valve (14).
ca u t iO n : th e G r il l a n d i t S in d iv id u a l S h u t O f f v a l v e
M u S t B e d iS c O n n e c t e d f r O M t h e G a S S u P P l y P iP in G
S y S t e M d u r in G a n y S y S t e M P r e S S u r e t e S t in G a t t e S t
P r e S S u r e S in e x c e S S O f 1/2 PSiG.
Attach the remaining end of the S/S flex line to the end
of the “tee” (17) connector. Fig u r e 15.
ca u t iO n : th e G r il l M u S t B e iS O l a t e d f r O M t h e G a S
S u P P l y P iP in G S y S t e M B y c l O S in G i t S in d iv id u a l M a n u a l
S h u t O f f v a l v e d u r in G a n y P r e S S u r e t e S t in G O f t h e G a S
S u P P l y P iP in G S y S t e M a t t e S t P r e S S u r e S e q u a l t O O r
l e S S t h a n 1/2 PSiG.
34" S/S flex line (19)
fiG u r e 15
Connection Instructions
The grill’s natural gas supply line valve installed by your
gas company must be turned to OFF.
iM P O r t a n t : th e G a S S u P P l y l in e M u S t h a v e a S h u t -
O f f v a l v e in S id e t h e w a l l . cO n t a c t y O u r l O c a l G a S
c O M P a n y f O r d ir e c t iO n S .
Attach the copper gas supply line to the brass “tee”
(17). Use two adjustable wrenches to tighten the joint.
Fig u r e 16.
Disconnect the copper gas supply line from the gas
valve located under the grill’s control panel. Fig u r e
fiG u r e 16
Gas Supply Line
“Tee” (17)
fiG u r e 13
Gas Supply Line
Grill Gas Valve
Page 12
Checking for Gas Leaks
Operating Instructions
Check for gas leaks each time you connect your Broil-
master® gas grill and side burner to a propane gas
cylinder, when a connected cylinder has not been used
recently, or when the grill and side burner are initially
ca u t iO n : if a B u r n e r f a il S t O l iG h t a f t e r 5 S e c O n d S ,
t u r n t h e B u r n e r Off f O r 5 M in u t e S , t O a l l O w t h e
G a S t O c l e a r , t h e n t r y a G a in .
wa r n in G : ne v e r O P e r a t e t h e S id e B u r n e r w it h t h e
l i d c l O S e d .
ca u t iO n : dO n O t u S e a n O P e n f l a M e t O c h e c k f O r
l e a k S . ch e c k in G f O r l e a k S w it h a n O P e n f l a M e M a y
l e a d t O a f ir e O r e x P l O S iO n , r e S u l t in G in P r O P e r t y
d a M a G e O r P e r S O n a l in j u r y .
Care and Cleaning
ca u t iO n : tO P r e v e n t in j u r y d O n O t c l e a n S id e B u r n e r
w h il e h O t .
To check for gas leaks:
1. Using dish washing detergent and water, make a
soapy solution.
For baked on residue use a brass (NOT STEEL) brush
on the cooking grid.
2. Turn OFF the knob on both the grill and side burner’s
control panel.
Clean the exterior regularly with a solution of mild de-
tergent and hot water.
3. Turn ON the gas at the supply. A hissing sound
indicates a leak. Turn OFF the gas and repair all
Stainless steel surfaces can be easily cleaned with a
stainless steel cleaner found at your
4. If no hissing occurs, apply the soapy solution to all
gas connections.
Low Flame Adjustment
The low flame setting is set at the factory. To adjust
the flame height at the lowest setting:
5. Look for bubbles. Bubbles indicate a leak.
6. If there are bubbles, turn OFF the gas and repair all
A. Light the side burner
7. Turn the gas ON and repeat the above procedure
until all leaks are repaired.
B. Turn the valve knob to MIN.
C. Remove the knob and locate the screw in the center
of the valve stem.
Operating Instructions
D. Use a small screwdriver to adjust the flame:
Clockwise - Lower Flame
Counterclockwise - Higher Flame
Using the Igniter
1. Open the side burner lid.
Do not unseat the adjustment screw. If the screw is
unseated a gas leak will occur at the valve stem.
2. Push and turn the burner control knob counterclock-
wise to MAX.
no t e : iF t h e F l a m e is a d j u s t e d t o o l o w , a s t r o n g
w in d C o u l d b l o w it o u t . th e F l a m e m a x im u m h e ig h t
(a) s h o u l d b e a p p r o x im a t e l y 1/2 in C h a t t h e m in im u m
3. Push and hold igniter button until burner lights. (Ap-
proximately 5 seconds).
s e t t in g . Fig u r e 17.
Using Matches
1. Open the side burner lid.
fiG u r e 17
bu r n e r
2. Light and place a long wooden match next to the
burner ports under the cooking grid.
3. Push and turn the burner control knob counterclock-
wise to MAX.
Page 13
Page 14
Page 15
A Division of Empire Comfort Systems, Inc.
918 Freeburg Ave.
Belleville, Illinois 62220
Visit o u r w e b s it e a t w w w
if you have a general question about our products, please e-mail us at
If you have a service or repair question, please contact your dealer.
re t a in Ow n e r ’S Ma n u a l f O r fu t u r e re f e r e n c e .
Page 16
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